Upcoming EVENTS from STELAR (December and January) – St. Thomas E-Learning And Research

Upcoming EVENTS from STELAR (December and January)

Take advantage of these hot topics for December and JanuaryDecember Tech Calendar

New Semester Prep: Canvas Course Refresher Sessions (virtually via Zoom)

If your course was previously taught in Canvas and you are getting it ready for a new semester, come learn 8 quick-tips to refresh your course!  These sessions are all offered virtually via Zoom so you can login from your location of choice!

Canvas Gradebook (St Paul)

Canvas One-on-One Consultation Appointments (in either Minneapolis or St. Paul)

Sign up for 30-minute blocks.

Canvas Hosted Training Sessions

Whether new or experienced with Canvas, sign up and attend in December, January and beyond.

STELAR has purchased access to pre-recorded and live Canvas training sessions, available through https://www.cysalesteam.com/instructure/. This is for all St. Thomas faculty and staff. The classes range from beginner (Introduction to Canvas) to topic specific (Outcomes & Rubrics for Instructors) and everything in between.  If you are interested in seeing what is available, you can Browse by Category and look through the Building Block Series, and the Classroom Application Series.

After you create an account, you have ongoing access to an extensive number of trainings (for both beginners and more experienced Canvas users).  You also have access to any recordings from past sessions. Here’s a short list of upcoming sessions of these Canvas hosted sessions:

Canvas Training Series: Assignments

Canvas Training Series: Course Basics

Many more offered in December and January.

Resources You Can Access at Any Point

You’ll want to bookmark these so you continue to see new opportunities showing up on the calendar.

Other Sessions of Interest

Zoom for Advising, Appointment Hours and Tutoring

Accessibility Practices in Zoom Sessions

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