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Canvas: Did you know…?

Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks, Canvas: Did you know...?

Duplicating items in modules

Did you know…

You can save time and effort by duplicating certain content items in Canvas and reuse them elsewhere? Yes! Many items like Pages, Assignments, and graded Discussions can be duplicated and then used in other modules. Let’s say you have a Weekly Overview page in Module 1 that includes complex formatting or repeatable instructions. Instead of re-creating a new Overview page for each subsequent module, you can simply duplicate the first module’s Overview page because it retains all the text, images, hyperlinks and formatting, and then just change out the specific text for the new Module.

To duplicate an item, click on the ellipsis (3 dots) to the right of the item and choose “Duplicate.” The item is duplicated (copied) below and includes the word “copy” in the title. The duplicated item will come in “unpublished.” After changing the text to reflect the new item, be sure to update the title and “publish” the duplicated item.

To learn more about this and other Canvas-related topics, join us on August 20-22 for Canvas On Campus: A 3 day event with Canvas representatives on campus covering a variety of topics and Canvas experts from STELAR available for instructional design and technology consultations.

Canvas: Did you know...?

Using media in Canvas announcements

Did you know…

Bitmoji’s, photos, graphics, and videos embedded in Announcements do not come through in the email notification to students; however, the media elements do appear when they view Notifications in the Canvas app.

If you create a video announcement or include important media in the announcement, you may want to add a note at the bottom of the announcement informing learners that the announcement contains media, and they should go to the Announcements tool in Canvas to see the full message.

To learn more about this and other Canvas-related topics, join us on August 20-22 for Canvas On Campus: A 3 day event with Canvas representatives on campus covering a variety of topics and Canvas experts from STELAR available for instructional design and technology consultations.

Canvas: Did you know...?

Automated course summary

Did you know…

Canvas automatically creates a Course Summary at the bottom of the Syllabus page with dates, details, and times for all calendar events and assignments. Click on an item to go directly to the calendar event or the assignment to view or edit.

Use Student View to check this information before publishing your course each term. Confirm that the assignments are accurately represented and delete any lingering calendar events such as old Zoom meetings. *Note- assignments will not show up on this list or in the gradebook until they are published. If you do not want students to access the assignment early, publish the assignment and utilize the Available from/Until feature to limit access.

To learn more about this and other Canvas-related topics, join us on August 20-22 for Canvas On Campus: A 3 day event with Canvas representatives on campus covering a variety of topics and Canvas experts from STELAR available for instructional design and technology consultations.