July 22, 2019 arked the 50th anniversary of the United States moon landing. Celebrate the event this by watching fascinating archival footage on one of the many streaming services provided by the Music and Media Collections!
First Man on the Moon is a 2014 feature length documentary that takes a close look at Neil Armstrong’s remarkable life story and his journey to the Apollo 11 mission. Enjoy stunning archival footage and informative interviews as you learn more about his achievements and legacy.
If you’re looking for a retrospective, Apollo 11: The First Moon Landing is the documentary for you. While only 45-minutes long, the production takes you from launch, to moonwalk, to splashdown, and beyond. Jane Pauley hosts this NBC News Time Capsule documentary special.
Watch what 1 billion people watched live in 1969! From the NASA Video Collection, here are mankind’s first steps on the lunar surface. Continue watching for more footage of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as they explore the moon and return to Earth.
To see what people 100 years ago thought a moon landing would be like, watch these classic silent films!
A Trip to the Moon (Le Voyage dans la Lune). Directed by Georges Méliès, this 1902 silent short was based on Jules Verne’s novel From the Earth to the Moon. Astronomers travel to the moon and encounter underground lunar inhabitants.
Fritz Lang’s 1929 film Woman in the Moon takes a less fanciful approach. The story is set in a world where space travel is motivated by an entrepreneur’s theory that there is gold on the moon.
PT 2615 .A62 F7 2004 DVD
Also available is the 2016 blockbuster Hidden Figures that tells the true story of the women who made the moon landing possible with their contributions to the space race. Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monáe star in this landmark film about women in science!
PN 199 .H532 2017 DVD
For more science and history, check out Episode 4 of the BBC documentary series The Planets. The 50-minute episode examines our journey from the space race to what we learned from the surface of the moon.
QB601 .P53 2000 v. 2 DVD
Stop by the Music and Media Collections to check out these titles and more! We’re located to the far right of main circulation desk at the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library.
By Sarah Pavey