Advertising Redbooks & Business Decisions – St. Thomas Libraries Blog
Database Highlights & Trials

Advertising Redbooks & Business Decisions

Those of you looking up business information might feel a bit frustrated these days.  Access to two of our business research databases, Advertising Redbooks and Business Decisions is spotty, at best.  But there is access and a work around for each of them.

First off, both are best used in Internet Explorer.


For Advertising Redbooks you might get asked by Redbooks for a username and password.  There isn’t one and your UST username and password will not work in this case.  But if you click the link, “IP & Portal page customers: Use our Site Access page” you often get access (not always, but… give it a go).

For Business Decisions the first page you might see is this:  busdecisions

busdecision license

Close your browser (I know… hassle) and return to the page where you selected Business Decisions and click it again  Often you often get through this way.  It seems as though a cookie needs to get planted the first time and then the site works the second time.  You should see this and check the box to agree to the license:

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