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UST Profs Edit and Contribute to New Catholic Encyclopedia

Congrats to Dr. Mary Reichardt and an interdisciplinary assortment of UST faculty for their contributions to this important reference work! From the Bulletin Today’s Professional Notes section (September 14, 2011):

Dr. Mary Reichardt, Catholic Studies Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the editor of the literature section of the recently published New Catholic Encyclopedia − 2011 Supplement (Gale/Catholic University of America Press). The two volumes focus on Catholic literature, music and art. They include more than 350 new or revised signed entries on a global range of artists, works, and art periods and movements, as well as comprehensive essays on Architecture and Catholicism, Film and Catholicism, History of Liturgical Music, Television and Catholicism, Popular Culture and Catholicism, Women Artists and the Church, Performance Art and Catholicism and many other topics. Besides editing the literature section, Reichardt wrote the essay on Literature and Catholicism. UST contributors of entries include Drs. Ray MacKenzie (English Department, College of Arts and Sciences), Rev. Martin Warren (English Department), David Foote (History Department, College of Arts and Sciences), Jane Tar (Classical and Modern Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences) and Rev. Michael Keating (Catholic Studies Department), as well as James Rogers (Center for Irish Studies), David Deavel (Catholic Studies Department) and Andrew Leet (English Department). Access to an e-copy of the volumes is available at the UST Libraries; noncirculating hard copies also are available in the Sitzmann Hall student library. More information about the volumes can be found on the Gale website.”