Not sure how you can find those “peer-reviewed” articles your prof wants you to use in that research paper? Don’t know where to find the definition of “heteroscedasticity” for that econometrics assignment? Trying to trace the first usage of ‘Google’ as a verb? Wondering how the heck you’re supposed to find books on ‘Cosmopolitanism and the geopolitics of feminist rhetoric’?
Try the Libraries’ Research Guides!!
The Research Guides, accessible from the library home page or via this direct link are authored by our liaison librarians and will give you specific suggestions of appropriate sources (e.g. scholarly library subscription databases, book catalogs, vetted free web sites, etc.) by format, subtopic, etc. This summer, we completely rebuilt this portion of our website, using a new software product called Libguides. The new system offers a number of advantages over the old web pages, including:
- Tabbed layout for understandable organization and easy navigation (see screen shot below)
- More engaging visual layout, easier integration of images, audio and video content
- More dynamic content with automatically updated lists of new books, feeds of relevant news and article content, etc.
- Easy access to your librarian’s contact info for follow-up, plus integrated chat reference service
- Ability for users to comment on and rate the resources
- Ability to be notified if changes are made to a guide
Note to faculty members:
Many professors have linked to our old web pages on their Blackboard or other course web sites: if you have done so, please update them by finding the appropriate links from the subject listings. You may also want to review our web page that demonstrates how to link a Research Guide to a Blackboard course.
Instructors wishing to have a new guide created to address research assignments in their specific courses, or who would like resources added to an existing guide should contact their Liaison Librarian for assistance.