“freedom: art and music of the mississippi delta 1910-1950”
The final noonartsound presentation of the semester will take place at Noon on Tuesday, December 3, in the O’Shaughnessy Room of the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library. This time Shelly Nordtorp-Madson and Chris Kachian will feature the look and sounds of the deep south. “Blues, the root of all American popular music from rock & roll to country, serves as the soundtrack to an analysis of the artistic contributions of this poetic and politically vital area of America.” – Chris Kachian
Nordtorp-Madson and Kachian have been performing these popular lecture-concerts together for over 10 years. The professors are known their unique style and humor, along with beautiful, satisfying, yet “unstuffy” presentations of their art.
We hope to see many of you at this noon-hour blend of art and music. Bring your lunch – refreshmetns will be provided. Questions? Please call Julie at 962-5014.
Here’s the noonartsound schedule for Spring, 2014
•March 4, 2014: “Argentina: Tango in Images and Sound”
•April 1, 2014: “The Art and Music of the French Baroque Chambre”
•May 6, 2014: “Romantica: Spanish Art and Music of 1880-1910″