Renaming Frenzy – St. Thomas Libraries Blog
Business & Economics, Database Highlights & Trials

Renaming Frenzy

Hello Business Researchers!

Welcome to Fall Semester 2012! As we all gear up for a great semester, are you looking for a database you’ve used before, but can’t find it?

Have no fear; you’re not going crazy! Our vendors just had a bit of a renaming frenzy this summer. Here are the changes:

You can find these, along with all of our wonderful business databases, in both our A-Z List of Databases and our list of Databases by Subject.


Recognize these faces?  We UST Business Librarians have been busy all summer making sure we’re all set to provide you the best service we can this fall.

We hope to use this blog to help share news and information that will be of interest to you.

Do you have any questions you’d like answered? An idea for a blog post?  Anything fun to say about how awesome the UST librarians are?  For any of those – and more! – please feel free to contact any business librarian or consult the faculty resource guide on the UST Libraries website.


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