ARTstor, a great image resource, has joined in the Hunger Games frenzy. Their blog post of art images from major museum collections helps illustrate the Hunger Games.
Yeah, I know the movie also helps illustrate it, but theirs is really a great blog post.
I just flew through the Hunger Games and Catching Fire books this past weekend. Good reads. The books reminded me of Spartacus (the violent TV show, not the tame Kirk Douglas movie) and Where the Lilies Bloom. It’s got the gladiator thing happening with the games themselves and Katniss collects wild foods for her family just like Mary Call Luther does in Where the Lilies Bloom.
Where ARTstor illustrates the Hunger Games, Films on Demand animates it (again, I know the movie is out and animates it just fine, but bear with me). So if you’re interested in blood sports, take a look at these movies from our streaming collections:
On the day of the ceremonies, Balinese villagers stage bloody cock fights. Each bird has razor-sharp blades attached to the feet. This brutal blood sport has sacred significance. Some demons desire a sacrifice of blood.
In Search of History: The Bloody History of Human Sacrifice
Human sacrifice was once considered the greatest offering that could be made to the gods. This program seeks to understand why ritualized killing was acceptable in certain ancient cultures.
The ancient Greeks tolerate a level of violence in sport that is, by modern standards, horrifying. Their Games are a world of combat that has few limits or restraints. Athletes wear their scars with pride, and many games end in death.
In Eastern Europe 300 years ago vampire is first encountered; professionals record these accounts. A report from Serbia in 1732, states that 17 villagers die from vampire attacks. They trace them back to Arnold Paole. (I threw this one in for the TwiHards.)