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Faith and Career

Faith and Career, Lectures and Conferences

Radical Encounters: Faith and Vocation

Posted by Phil, UST Senior, Philosophy and Catholic Studies
PrintSome of the hardest questions in a Catholic’s life are questions of faith and vocation. How do these two interact? How do we incorporate one into the other, and what influence should faith have on my vocation and vice versa? Even more fundamental then this is the question, “To which vocation is God calling me?” The Radical Encounters event, sponsored by Campus Ministry and Catholic Studies, was geared toward asking (and answering!) these questions of faith and vocation.

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Faith and Career, Student Profiles

“So, what are you going to do with that?”

Posted by Katie, UST junior, Business Leadership and Management, Communications, and Catholic Studies

Some may cringe at the question. Others take a deep breath and prepare a long-winded answer sounding much like an “I don’t know” response. The question is similar to the high school senior’s “where do you plan on going to school?”, or the college freshman’s “what’s your major?” It cannot be escaped.
As a student of the Opus College of Business AND Catholic Studies I can honestly say that this question excites me more than most. This simple question tells me that I have a chance to offer a quick elevator pitch for why I believe Catholic Studies is not only the unifying and completing element of my education and personal life, but it is also a perfect complement to a business degree. Though they may be offering questions for small talk, I see it as an opportunity to spread the good news of Catholic Studies.

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