Posted by Irma Montes, Catholic Studies Alumna ’11
During my four years at St. Thomas I never really knew exactly what the Lord was preparing me for, but I knew St. Thomas was where I needed to be. I was fortunate to have many professors who really wanted to emphasize the importance of intellectual formation from a Catholic perspective.
As a Catholic Studies student, I came to understand that we need to have well formed minds in order to make sound decisions. Personally, I realized quickly as graduation got closer that it is a privilege to have a well formed mind. I then realized that I didn’t want to jump into the work force right away; I needed to give myself time to mature and just let the privilege I have been given set in a bit more.
Because of my experience with Catholic Studies, I knew that I needed to be doing something that involved formation of my mind and personal growth. In stepped Christ in the City. Christ in the city is a summer, semester, year-long volunteer program in Denver, Colorado. It is rooted in the Catholic faith, intellectual formation, and living in community. For me, it seemed that Christ in the City was my perfect next step not only because I would be doing service that consisted of great personal growth, but I would also be formed intellectually and spiritually.
So now that I am graduated and volunteering with Christ in the City, what do I do? Well, I am part of a small team of missionaries called the Homeless Taskforce.Being part of the Taskforce consists of doing street ministry with homeless teens and adults. When we are not doing street ministry, I also work for a parish, at a food bank, and help lead an after school youth group.
Honestly, I do not feel that I do much in the grand scheme of things, but I definitely see that I get to be part of something bigger than myself. I constantly have to say “yes” to the Lord and let Him work through me. I have come to realize my limitations as a human being, but that I am not just called to do things for the Lord, but to be with Him and be a presence of Christ in the City (literally).
It has been very hard at times, but I really believe that having a well formed mind and heart allows us to better understand the Lord’s plan for us. Catholic Studies has helped me to understand this. I am grateful to the Catholic Studies program for helping me to begin my journey toward greater unity with the will of the Lord, as well as leading me to where I am right now with Christ in the City.