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Free H1N1 portals

Concerned about H1N1?  Writing a paper about it or looking for more information on its history?  Three of our  resource vendors (Ebsco, Gale and Ebrary) have put together free portals.  Ebsco’s portal is for health care providers and patients.  Gale’s portal focuses more on the history, world-wide impact, current media coverage, and the science behind the flu.  And Ebrary‘s portal is a repository of government documents pertaining to H1N1.

h1n1EbscoDue to the global outbreak of Pandemic H1N1 Influenza (formerly known as Swine Flu) and concerns about the 2009/2010 flu season, Ebsco has made the pertinent influenza information available for free. This site includes more than 50 evidence-based topics including patient education information in 17 languages.

h1n1GaleScienceGet scientific and historical information about the virus through dozens of eBooks (encyclopedias). You’ll find hundreds of authoritative articles about the swine flu, other strains of influenza, emerging diseases, pandemic preparedness and other issues related to public health.

h1n1GaleGlobalGlobal Issues in Context from Gale is updated daily. This portal offers an in-depth expert overview; 279 perspectives (editorials) from international publications; 191 podcasts; 17,000+ news articles; and a link to the World Health Organization’s pandemic alert status. If this one doesn’t work the first time around, use your browsers back button and click it again.

ebraryH1N1ebrary has created a publicly available research center featuring a highly interactive, searchable database of documents pertaining to the H1N1 influenza pandemic. It contains a growing selection of reports, papers, newsletters, posters, and other important materials from government agencies and other trusted sources.