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February Research Database Trials

This February, the University of St. Thomas Libraries are trialing five research databases. These resources will be available for the entire month, giving students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to explore and provide feedback to help determine whether the libraries should invest in these resources in the future.

We value your input! Please send any comments or questions to the librarian listed with each resource by February 28th.

APA PsycTests (via ProQuest)

Access APA PsycTests
APA PsycTests allows you to instantly find and download instruments for research and teaching, making it easy to access tests and measures designed for use with social and behavior science research. Each record provides a summary of the construct, and also provides information on reliability, validity, and factor analysis.

Dive into the wide range of test types including test batteries, questionnaires, rating scales, surveys, and much more.

Please contact Merrie Davidson with any questions or feedback.

Financial Times

Access Financial Times: you will need to set-up an account using your St. Thomas email is the fully digital version of The Financial Times, a leading international newspaper that provides in-depth analysis of global markets, industries, and economic trends. Beyond business, it also covers politics, technology, climate change, social issues, and lifestyle trends, making it a valuable resource across multiple disciplines. The digital platform allows users to quickly search for topics using keywords or browse entire issues with ease.

Please contact Andrea Koeppe with any questions or feedback.

ProQuest One Academic

Access ProQuest One Academic (copy/paste link into browser):

ProQuest One Academic is an all-in-one research database that provides access to scholarly journals, dissertations, newspapers, ebooks, primary sources, and streaming videos across multiple disciplines—all from a single platform.  It includes four core multi-disciplinary products – ProQuest Central, Academic Complete, Academic Video Online and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

With over 40 databasesProQuest Central includes content across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical (including nursing), social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science, engineering and religion.
ProQuest One Academic information page

Please contact Andrea Koeppe with any questions or feedback.

Scopus and Web of Science

Scopus and Web of Science are two of the most widely used multidisciplinary citation databases for academic research. Both databases are essential for literature reviews, tracking research trends, and assessing scholarly impact through citation analysis. They are competing products from two different providers.  St. Thomas currently subscribes to Scopus.

Since both Scopus and Web of Science have recently added AI features to their products, the Libraries are trialing both products to solicit feedback on their functionality and to determine future needs.

Scopus AI

Access Scopus AI
Scopus AI is a powerful, AI-driven add-on feature to the Scopus database. It is designed to enhance the research process by leveraging the extensive Scopus database of peer-reviewed literature, patents, and conference proceedings. Developed to assist researchers, students, and professionals, Scopus AI simplifies the often-daunting task of sifting through massive amounts of scholarly information.

Key features of Scopus AI include:

  • Smart Search Assistance: Scopus AI refines search queries, helping users locate relevant articles, papers, or datasets with precision.
  • Trend Analysis: It identifies emerging trends in research fields, providing insights into current and future directions.
  • Content Summarization: Scopus AI generates concise summaries of articles, saving time and making it easier to extract key findings.
  • Collaboration Insights: The tool highlights key contributors, institutions, and partnerships in specific research areas.

Scopus AI FAQs page

Please contact Karen Brunner with any questions or feedback.

Web of Science, with AI Research Assistant

Access Web of Science
The Web of Science Research Assistant is a responsibly developed, generative AI-powered tool designed to enhance research and help discover fresh insights faster. The Research Assistant runs alongside researchers as they work, keeping up with research needs as they develop. Intelligent discovery helps the researcher effortlessly interpret and explore the literature. Task-based guidance and contextual prompts light up potential paths forward and enable researchers to complete complex research tasks faster.

Key features include:

  • Delivery of carefully curated data from editorially selected sources, with guided walk-throughs and relevant, context-specific prompts
  • Optimization for academic research use cases
  • Adherence to licensing agreements, usage rights, and evolving global regulations
  • Inclusion of concise overviews and commentaries, as well as dynamic visualizations such as trend graphs, topic maps, and co-citation networks

More information about the Research Assistant

Our trial also includes the Journal Highly Cited Data package, a separate analytics solution that is the combination of Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators. This has connections to Web of Science Core Collection to provide visibility to journal metrics (like Impact Factor) and article metrics (like Hot or Highly Cited Papers).
Access Journal Citation Reports
Access Essential Science Indicators

Clarivate Trial Terms and Conditions

Please contact Meg Manahan with any questions or feedback.

Database Highlights & Trials

October Research Database Trials (Concluded)

Please note, the October Trials have concluded.

This October, the St. Thomas Libraries are excited to offer trials of two powerful databases: Micromedex and Pragda. These resources will be available for the entire month, giving students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to explore cutting-edge information in healthcare and global cinema. 


For healthcare professionals and students, Micromedex provides: 

  • Comprehensive Drug Information: Detailed drug monographs, interactions, and dosage calculators. 
  • Toxicology Insights: Fast, reliable toxicology resources for emergency care. 
  • Disease Management: Up-to-date clinical guidelines for treating a variety of conditions. 


Film lovers and global studies enthusiasts will love Pragda, which offers: 

  • International Cinema: A curated collection of contemporary films from Spain and Latin America. 
  • Cultural Insights: Films that explore diverse cultures, social issues, and human experiences. 
  • Educational Value: An excellent resource for those studying world languages, film, and global studies. 

Both trials are open from October 1st to October 31st, and we encourage everyone to explore these platforms. We value your feedback and want to hear from you! Please share comments or questions with librarians Karen Brunner (Micromedex) or Amanda Breu (Pragda). 

Happy researching and viewing! 

Database Highlights & Trials

February Research Database Trials (Concluded)

Please note, the February Trials have concluded.

During the month of February, the University of St. Thomas Libraries is trialing five research databases. This is an opportunity for the UST community to use these subscriptions at no cost and help determine whether or not the libraries should invest in these resources in the future. We encourage you to provide any feedback about these resources — positive or negative — to the sponsoring librarian listed with each resource by February 24th.  

ASME Digital Collection

Access the ASME Digital Collection 

The ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Digital Collection provides unparalleled depth, breadth, and quality of peer-reviewed content. The platform is an essential resource for professionals seeking engineering solutions to global challenges. It includes:  

  • ASME’s Journals from 1933-present 
  • ASME’s Conference Proceedings from 2000-present and selected proceedings back to 1955  
  • ASME eBooks from 1993-present with selected titles back to 1944 

Please contact Jim Kelly with any questions or feedback. 


Compendex on Engineering Village

Access Compendex on Engineering Village 

Elsevier’s Compendex on the Engineering Village platform comprises journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, standards, books, and, recently, preprints. The content is sourced from thousands of publishers from around the world, including major engineering societies like IEEE, ASME, SAE, ACM, and many others. The amount of engineering-focused scholarly and technical literature in Compendex is vast and global in scope, featuring everything from the latest cutting-edge findings to historical research and innovations. 

Please contact Jim Kelly with any questions or feedback. 


Inspec on Engineering Village

Access Inspec on Engineering Village 

Inspec hosted on Elsevier’s Engineering Village platform contains over 22 million records from across global publishers to deliver quality content to a wide range of research communities.  

Inspec uses precise, subject-specific indexing to enhance the discoverability of scientific research across physics, electrical engineering and electronics, computers and control, mechanical and production engineering, information technology, and more. 

Please contact Jim Kelly with any questions or feedback. 


ProQuest One Business 

Access ProQuest One Business 

ProQuest One Business is designed to support the unique teaching and learning needs of business faculty and students. Developed in collaboration with faculty, students, and business librarians, ProQuest One Business delivers a mix of practical and theoretical content in an interface that helps students build the research skills they’ll need for success in their courses and careers. A business-focused interface intuitively guides users to content including journal articles, books, and company, industry, and country reports. 

Please contact Andrea Koeppe with any questions or feedback. 


Trends & Policy: U.S. Immigration 

Access Trends & Policy: U.S. Immigration (Use the menu in the upper left corner to limit to U.S. Immigration) 

Trends and Policy: U.S. Immigration from ProQuest connects policies implemented by the U.S. government with statistics showing the results of those policies and provides context with analytical reports and news articles.  It is designed to be a tool – all the content in one database.  It gathers U.S. immigration laws and other materials from the legislative branch, reports and statistics from the executive and judicial branches, and contextual newspaper articles. It includes relevant documents from 1790 to today. 

Please contact Andrea Koeppe with any questions or feedback. 


Database Highlights & Trials, Libraries, Services

Technical Difficulties (off campus only) – APA PsycNET




PsycNET and all of it’s associated databases (PsycINFO, PsycBOOKS, PsycTESTS, and PsycARTICLES) changed their interface on Monday, July 17. Since that time, these resources have not been available for access from off campus. This is a problem being widely experienced across universities, and APA is actively working on a solution.

During this time, the resources ARE accessible on campus, but if you need an alternative database to use from home, check out these helpful research guides for undergraduate psychology research or graduate psychology research.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

Faculty News, News & Events

Faculty Feature: Celebrating Faculty Scholarship

faculty_scholarshipAs you may have seen in your email, this fall, the Libraries are collaborating with Faculty Affairs, the Center for Faculty Development and the Grants and Research Office to celebrate UST faculty scholarship.  In preparation for an event on November 20th, the Libraries are putting together a list of faculty publications between July of 2014 and September of 2015. 

We monitor faculty publications throughout the year and already have a good start on this list. In an effort to make the list as comprehensive as possible, we’re making  additional request of you to send us the citations of your publications – including (again, from July 2014 – September 2015):

  • Books
  • Chapters
  • Articles
  • Refereed Conference Presentations

We’ll be creating a physical and virtual display of what we know will be an impressive collection of the scholarly and creative output of our faculty.

We’d hate to miss anything! Please send your citations to Laura Hansen at O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library. Any questions, please call Laura at 962-5011.


Database Highlights & Trials

SCHEDULED SERVICE INTERRUPTION: ProQuest Databases (Including RefWorks) Down for Maintenance Saturday Night

ProQuestLogoOn Saturday, August 8, ProQuest will be upgrading its systems infrastructure to improve performance, security, and overall reliability of its products. The window is scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. and will last for eight (8) hours.

During this time access to the ProQuest products listed below will not be available:

Research databases

  • Databases on the ProQuest platform (
  • Databases on the ProQuest Congressional platform (
  • Databases on the Chadwyck-Healey platform
  • ProQuest Digital Microfilm

Reference management

  • RefWorks

Bibliographic and catalog enrichment resources

  • Books in Print®
  • ProQuest Syndetic Solutions™
  • Resources for College Libraries

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

Database Highlights & Trials, Libraries, News & Events, Services

Do you Summon?

Hi Students! As your research is gearing up this semester, we have a question for you:

Do you Summon?

Summon is a Google-like search tool here at UST Libraries, and you can use it just like you’d use Google…Go ahead and search our databases, book catalog, video collection, and more – all at once!

We know your professors ask you to find specific types of resources for assignments.  With Summon, you can easily filter for peer-reviewed articles, items published in a particular time range, and more.  Even better, it automatically refers you to a relevant UST librarian if you need more help!

Watch the short video below for more great tips and hints about using Summon, and (as always), Happy Searching!

Archbishop Ireland Library, Circulation

Far from campus?

Outside7CountyMetroSummer is wrapping up.  Did you spend time on-campus working towards a graduate education degree and are lamenting that you’ll be far away from campus and easy access to resources for your studies?

If you’re outside of the seven-county metro area, you’re in luck!  UST Libraries offers distant students the following services:

  • Electronically scanning and delivering book chapters and articles from periodicals.  Make a request through ILLiad.
  • Discussing research topics, little and large, via online chat or over the phone, 651-962-5001.
  • Mailing books from our circulating collections free of charge.  Check out the “Interlibrary Loan for Distance Students and Faculty” section here.
  • Plus mailing books other libraries lend to us for us.  This includes CLIC collections in addition to our local region and beyond!
  • And, of course, accessing our ever growing collection of e-books, full-text articles, and online reference works is as easy as logging into your email through the proxy server.

If you are finished with all of your course work and working on your final project or thesis, be sure you are considered active and “on the books” so your access to these resources isn’t cut off!  Each academic department handles this a little differently, so contact your registrar for details.

Best wishes on teaching this fall and on your own studies!

~ Mason M., fellow graduate student and Ireland Library student staff