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moby dick

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Jacks in the Pulpit

In the mornings that I bike to work I notice a field/crop/murder/herd of Jack in the Pulpits growing along the path.  Does anyone know the correct term to define a group of plants?  I have been tracking their progress throughout the spring.  Their size and color varies greatly.  And each day it seems like more and more little Jacks are joining in with the others.  Whenever I see them I think of ministers preaching from the pulpit.  And whenever I think of ministers preaching from a pulpit, I think of the chapter called “The Sermon” in Moby Dick.  Cuz EVERYTHING always returns to Moby Dick.

Speaking of Moby Dick (cuz the voices in my head are ALWAYS talking about MB), Maurice Sendak told Stephen Colbert in his last interview that Moby Dick was his favorite book.  Moby once, Moby twice, Moby chicken soup with rice.  RIP Maury, RIP.

Also, hilarious!!

Oh, Jack in the pulpits, oh yeah.  For botany info, use BioOne for articles and for background info, use the plant science section of the Encyclopedia of Life Science.

Maybe I should do a challenge blog like 6 degrees of Moby Dick next year.  Hmm… now that’s a good idea! Imagine the exploding readership should that happen.  Well, at least I know Alec Baldwin will become a fan of it (see “hilarious” above).