Kudos – St. Thomas Libraries Blog
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Kudos to Karen Brunner!

I was talking to one of the full time MBA students yesterday and she told me that she is a fan of our new chat reference feature. She then told me how amazed she was that not only was she able to chat with a librarian around midnight about her ABR project, but that she was very happy with the help she received. And I should note too that the Applied Business Research project she was working on involves a relatively high level business research so she assumed that she was talking to one of us (!)

Because of the late night timing of her questions (and I did verify that she was working/chatting past 10 PM) I knew it had to be Karen she was ‘talking’ to. I was very pleased when she told me all of these things that I had to share.

Thank you Karen for making her very happy and making the rest of us look good!