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Journal of Visual Experiments (JoVE) Available Online via UST Libraries

JoVEThe Chronicle of Higher Education has a nice article on the online Journal of Visual Experiments (JoVE).  JoVE is an entirely new scholarly publication format, combining journal article and video documentary of scientific experimental methods.

The UST Libraries recently subscribed to this video journal to support our science disciplines. Note that while the Chronicle article mentions that JoVE is published in five topical and one general section, UST at this time can only afford to subscribe to the general section (watch for the “G” icon in search results). Articles from JoVE are indexed in PubMed and other indices.

Each article presents citation information, an abstract, links to video “chapters”, and other features in addition to the video article itself.  JoVE is available via our databases page, the Journals A-Z list, several science discipline research guides, and directly at: http://www.jove.com.ezproxy.stthomas.edu/general.

JoVE article

JoVE cartoon