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Archbishop Ireland Library, Database Highlights & Trials, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library, Theology

February Database Trial: World Christian Database

During the month of February, the University of St. Thomas Libraries will be conducting a trial of Brill’s World Christian Database. Click on the blue hyperlink to try the database: World Christian Database.

World Christian Database is an electronic reference source that contains statistical information on world religions, Christian denominations, and groups of people. It also includes extensive details on 238 countries and 13,000 ethno-linguistic peoples, as well as on 5,000 cities and 3,000 provinces. This trial runs through February 28, 2019.

Please try the database and send your comments to Curt LeMay at nclemay@stthomas.edu.


Archbishop Ireland Library, Charles J. Keffer Library, Database Highlights & Trials, Libraries, News & Events, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library, Theology

Ireland Library offers new database free to alumni.

The Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library offers the University of St. Thomas and The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity alumni free access to the ATLASerials for ALUM Database.

ATLASerials for ALUM is an ecumenical database that provides access to key articles, book reviews, and essays found in more than 450 theological journals representing the varied fields within the discipline of religious studies and includes a significant amount of scholarship related to Roman Catholicism. It comprises content from over 30 countries and in 16 languages.

ATLASerials for ALUM contains merged and new content previously contained in the Catholic Periodical and Literature Index for Alums and the ATLA Religion Database for Alums. Alumni who used the former databases must request the most recent web address in order to access the new combined database. New users also need to request access to this service.

Please contact Betsy Polakowski for more information: ejpolakowski@stthomas.edu.


Archbishop Ireland Library, Database Highlights & Trials, Libraries, News & Events, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library, Theological Libraries Month, Theology

October database TRIAL: ProQuest Religion Database

During the month of October, the University of St. Thomas Libraries will be conducting a trial of the ProQuest Religion Database.



ProQuest Religion Database covers formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many, worldwide religions. In addition, there are many titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations.

Please this try out the database and give us your comments. Click on Religion Database to connect to the trial site.

This trial runs through October 31, 2018. Please send your comments to Curt LeMay at the Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library at nclemay@stthomas.edu.


Archbishop Ireland Library, Database Highlights & Trials, Faculty News, New Materials, News & Events, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library, Theology

“America; the Jesuit Review of Faith and Culture” is now available via Flipster.

The University of St. Thomas Libraries are pleased to announce that we recently added America; the Jesuit Review of Faith and Culture to the list of the periodicals the University of St. Thomas students, faculty, and staff may read online via Flipster.

The University of St. Thomas’ students, faculty, and staff may read a number of popular periodicals we make available on this digital newsstand, which may be accessed anytime on computers or mobile devices. Periodicals in Flipster have true-to-life layouts with all the full-color images and advertisements one finds in the print version of the same periodical.

Suggested reading: “A Christian Funeral Classic” by Colleen Dulle, in the January 8, 2018, issue of America. The article tells of the work of the University of St. Thomas’ Artist in Residence, Fr. Michael Joncas, whose hymn, “On Eagle’s Wings” achieved global popularity 38 years ago.

Fr. Michael Joncas, Theology Department, October 2004, Classroom images

Archbishop Ireland Library, News & Events, Theological Libraries Month, Theology

October is Theological Libraries Month!

October is a special month. Yes, the leaves are falling, the wind is blowing, and the children look forward to a late-night sugar high come the 31st, but there’s something more…

October is Theological Libraries Month!


Please, come celebrate with us, and bring your friends!  Here’s two ways we can suggest:

  1. Need a study break? Why don’t you take some time to play in our stacks making book spine poetry? Spend a few minutes looking for some of our more curious titles and stack them together. Whether silly, serious, romantic, or moody, take a picture of your pile and share on our Facebook page or Twitter with the tag #bookspinepoetry.Print
  2. Studying outside in the last warm days of 2014, or are you already curled up by the fireside? A theological library is nothing without its patrons, and we’d love to see you and your current read! Take a selfie with your book wherever you like to curl up and share it with #ireadeverywhere.


And, of course, whether you’re reading or writing, a theologian or an entrepreneur, come on in and visit us this October!

Happy Theological Libraries’ Month everyone!

Archbishop Ireland Library, News & Events, Theological Libraries Month, Theology

Vote for Staff Book Spine Poetry!

No one sent us any book spine poetry last week.  We are sad, but know you are hitting the books hard*, so it’s okay.  In a couple of weeks we know you’ll be looking for a study break preparing for mid-terms and this will be the perfect little distraction.

In lieu of announcing a winner from last week, we are inviting YOU to judge the book spine poetry that our student staff created last week.   The entries are below.  Vote early and often at our Doodle polling site.

* Or perhaps you are not digitally inclined?  Or maybe you’re on a break from social media?  Good news!  You can still participate in the Book Spine Poetry Contest!  Swing by the library and put together a few books into a winning poetic combination.  Then bring it up to the circulation desk — we’ll take the picture and post it for you!