We are sorry to report that we are having issues with the database for streaming videos Academic Video Online. We are working on the problem.
If you are experiencing issues such as the links don’t work; the link takes you to the database site and give you the preview only, or tells you that the school does not have access to the video try these tips in the meantime:
If you get a link that looks like this: https://search.alexanderstreet.com/view/work/2439138 and does not work add ezproxy.stthomas.edu, change the periods for dashes and rearrange the order to look like this: https://search-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.stthomas.edu/view/work/2439138
Feel free to contact Cindy Badilla-Melendez, Media and Music Librarian, cbadillame@stthomas.edu for help.