The brilliantly-colored leaves of fall are mostly gone, and the temperatures are turning colder and we turned our clocks back this weekend. There were snow showers today, and we cannot deny that we’re moving towards winter at a brisk pace.
We hope you will join us next week for our kick-off Winter Lights event. Each winter, we offer a series of monthly events from November – February to gather together as a community and share ways to thrive in this Minnesota winter. Counseling staff will join us to discuss the mental and physical effects of shorter days and will talk about light therapy and demonstrate how to use a seasonal affective disorder (SAD) therapy lamp. We’ll have snacks and warm drinks, library resources you can check out, and a craft activity so you can take some of the light home with you. Plus, you can enter to win your own SAD light!
Winter Lights: Preparing for the Winter Days Ahead
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
12:00 – 1:00 pm, Room 108 in O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library