Join the Department of Special Collections and the Center for Irish Studies in celebrating 100th Anniversary of the founding of Celtic Collection. This celebration will be a part of our annual St. Patrick’s Day Open House to be held Tuesday, March 14th from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm in the Special Collections Department (LL09 O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library). In addition to a display of some of the treasures from the collection, a short program featuring Irish poetry will be held at 12:15 pm.
(image from The Fair Hills of Ireland by Stephen Gwynn, Maunsel Press, 1906)
The Celtic Collection can trace its origin to a September 1916 vote by the Minnesota chapter of the Ancient Order of Hibernians to provide funds to establish an Irish Library at the College of St. Thomas. From this initial gift of $600, the collection has grown to over 14,000 volumes containing significant materials related to Irish local history and antiquities, folklore, art, music, Irish language and literature and modern Irish poetry.
(image from The Irish Fairy Book by Alfred P. Graves, T.F. Unwin, 1909.)
For more information on the UST Libraries rare books and manuscripts collections see our website.