Come as You Are! Tuesday, Dec 6 at noon in the Library – St. Thomas Libraries Blog
Libraries, News & Events, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library

Come as You Are! Tuesday, Dec 6 at noon in the Library


Hosted by Chris Kachian, Ph.D., guitarist and professor of music and Shelly Nordtorp-Madson, Ph.D., chief curator and a member of the clinical faculty in the Department of Art History, noonartsound is the library series that blends musical performance and historical perspective over a Tuesday noon-hour, six times a year.

You are all welcome and invited to the Tuesday, December 6 noonartsound presentation, Come As You Are!  Shelly Nordtorp-Madson, will share her expertise in the art of just showing up! and the Show’d Up Band will perform.  We never know for sure who will show up to play, but their bluegrass inspired music is always delightful.

Refreshments are provided – we look forward to seeing you at this change of pace noon-hour lunch break!


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