A huge congratulations go out to Kia Johnson and Chloe Lawyer for receiving Goldwater Scholarships! We are all very proud of your accomplishments. Hopefully the libraries’ resources were of some benefit to you as you conducted your research. If you did not find the types of materials you needed to conduct your research at the library, please let us know and we’ll try to get what you need. We’re here to help and support you in your research, classes, and further pursuits. Who knows, one of us may directly benefit from the work you do down the line. So I’ll also throw in a “way to go” and “thank you.”
For those of us not entirely familiar with radiopaque polymers, here are a few resources that may shed light on Kia’s work:
Articles on radiopaque catheters
For those of us not entirely familiar with dopamine, here are a few resources that might give you insight into Chloe’s work:
Articles on dopamine receptor expression and associative learning
Shout outs for Ryan Augustin and Robert White who were also nominated for the scholarship. Once again, we at the libraries are all very proud of our Goldwater Scholarship winners and nominees.