ARTstor just threw down! It just claimed it IS Latin American studies. Now, I don’t disagree that ARTstor is good for Latin American studies but it just seems like such a bold, in-my-face statement. In response I figured I’d highlight resources that either are or could be Latin American studies.
Here’s the press about ARTstor that started it all:
Oxford is well represented with a number of resources, mostly of the encyclopedic and dictionary flavor. Oxford Language Dictionaries offers English to Spanish and Spanish to English dictionaries. Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States covers the Latin American experience outside of Latin America. And finally, for Oxford, is the Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures, which is interesting to flip through.
Finally, we have a few different journal and magazine indexes that focus on Latin American or Latin Americans that include articles in English and/or Spanish:
So, while I appreciate bold statements, I just felt like I needed to show that while yes, ARTstor is Latin American studies, there are several other sources that can also make that claim. In all fairness, I suppose, ARTstor never said it was the only or best source for Latin American studies.