October 7: Blogging Baraga – St. Thomas Libraries Blog
Archbishop Ireland Library

October 7: Blogging Baraga

Among the fascinating Native American language tracts owned by the library is the important Jesus Obimadisiwin Oma Aking (1837), a life of Jesus in the Ottawa language by the renowned, and considered saintly, missionary Frederic Baraga (1797-1868). Here is a link to this book by Baraga.
Perhaps best known for a still widely used Ojibwa dictionary (A Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language. Cincinnati, 1853), Fr Baraga left his native Slovenia in 1830 to serve as a missionary in the Great Lakes region, where for the rest of an arduous life he worked tirelessly to evangelize Native Americans, initially with the Ottawa in Michigan. Compiled by Fr Baraga, Otawa Anamie-Misinaigan was the first book written in Ottawa. Jesus Obimadisiwin Oma Aking, over 200 well printed pages, was published in Paris the same year. There is even a folded map, engraved in Paris, of the Holy Land. Apparently he had both titles printed while in Europe raising money for his missionary work.
Several biographies have been written about Fr Baraga. His personal diaries were published in 1992. While Native voices are usually absent from biographies of early missionaries, still, Fr Baraga seems to be reliably portrayed as caring, devoted and generous.
A Select Bibliography of Works by Frederic Baraga
Abinodjiiag Omasinaiganiwan. Detroit: Bagg and Harmon, printers, 1845.
Abrégé De l’Histoire Des Indiens De l’Amérique Septentrionale. Paris: A la Société des bons livres …, Impr. de E.J. Bailly), 1837.
A Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language, Explained in English : This Language is Spoken by the Chippewa Indians, as also by the Otawas, Potawatamis and Algonquins, with Little Difference ; for the use of Missionaries, and Other Persons Living among the Above Mentioned Indians. Cincinnati: Printed for Jos. A. Hermann, 1853.
Dushna Pasha Za Kristjane : Kteri Shelé v’Duhu in Refnizi Boga Moliti. V’ Ljubljani: Natisnil J. Sassenberg, 1830.
Geschicte, Character, Sitten Und Gebr”Auche Der Nord -Amerikanischen Indier. Theils Aus Zuverl”Assigen Quellen, Theils Aus Eigener Erfahrung Gesammelt Und Herausgegeben. Laibach: Joseph Blasnik, 1837.
Gete Dibadjimowin, Gaie Dach Nitam Mekateokwanaieg Ogagikwewiniwan. Laibach, Autriche: Joseph Blasnik ogimasinakisan mandan masinaigan, 1843.
Jesus Obimadisiwin Oma Aking, Waiakossing Anamiewin Ejitwadig, Mi Sa Catholique-Enamiadjig Gewabandangig. Paris: E.J. Bailly ogimisinakisan manda misinaigan, 1837.
Jesus Od Ijitwawin, Katechim. Detroit:, 1846.
Katolik Anamie-Masinaigan. Troisième édition, corrigée et augmentée ed. Detroit, Wawiiatanong: Bagg & Harmon, Ogi Masinakisanawa, mandan masinaigan, before 1846.
Katolik Enamiad o Nanagatawendamowinan : Avec Approbation De Monseigneur l’Evêque Pierre Paul Lefevre. Wawhatanong Detroit: Jabez Fox o gi-masinakisan mandan masinaigan, 1850.
Katolik Gagikwe-Masinaigan. Detroit: M. Geiger, 1846.
Kitchi-Mekatewikwanaie Frederic Baraga, o Masinaigan, Ge-Wabandamowad, Kakina Anishinabeg Enamiadjig. Uniform Title: Pastoral Letter of the Right Reverend Bishop Frederic Baraga. Ojibwa. Cincinnati Ohio: Printed at Catholic Telegraph Book & Job Office, 1853.
Kotolik Anamie-Masinaigan. Quatrième éd., corrigée et augmentée ed. Detroit, Wawhatanong: Munger & Pattison, Ogi-Masinaki-sanawa Mandan Masinaigan, 1849.
Od Pozheshevanja in Posnemanja Matere Boshje. V’ Ljubljani: A. Alojs, 1830.
Otchipwe Anamie-Masinaigan, Gwaiakossing Anamie-Vin Ejitwadjig, Mi Sa Catholique-Enamiadjig Gewabandangig. Paris : E. J. Bailly, ogimasinakisan mandan masinaigan, 1837.
Otchipwe Kikinoamadi-Masinaigans. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1853-1891.
Perpomozhik Sveti Roshni Kranz Bogu in Marii Dopadlji. Illyria: Natisnil J. Blasnik, 1837.
Popis Navád in Sadershanja Indijanov Polnozhne Amerike; Spisal v’ Nemshkim Jesiku Friderik Baraga .. V’ Ljubljani: Natisnil J. Blasnik, 1837.
Sermons De Monseigneur Baraga. Montréal?: ], L. Perrault), 1859.
Slate Jabelka. V’ Ljubljani: Joshef Blasnik, 1844.
Statuta Dioecesis Marianopolitanæ in Michigan. Detroiti: Ex typis Joannis Slater .., 1863.
Statuta Dioecesis Sanctae Mariae. Cincinnati: C. Clark, 1856.
A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the Otchipwe Language, the Language Spoken by the Cippewa Indians; which is also Spoken by the Algonquin, Otawa and Potawatami Indians, with Little Difference. for the use of Missionaries and Other Persons Living among the Indians of the Above Named Tribes. Detroit: J. Fox, printer, 1850.

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