Ides of March edition of weekly trivia – St. Thomas Libraries Blog
Charles J. Keffer Library

Ides of March edition of weekly trivia

The assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15th 44 BC has made ‘Beware the Ides of March’ a metaphor for impending doom. So with that in mind you would think that no one would want to get married on that day. Well it just so happened that a very famous and famously tumultuous couple did get married on March 15th 1964 after starring in a famously horrible movie together. Hint: They eventually divorced in 1974, but remarried in 1975.
Can you name the couple? If you can send me a message and receive your own 15 minutes of fame on our blog.
If you don’t know the answer off your head a great place to look is in a new database Readers Guide Retrospective which is an electronic index to articles from more than 375 popular magazines and journals from 1890 to 1982.
For people ‘of a certain age’ this is the electronic version of the seminal print source that many students first used to conduct research. If you would like more information about this source please contact Ann Kenne
Speaking of people ‘of a certain age’ last week I wanted to know which two toys debuted in one week and were recently named the top toys of all time. The answer is #2 Barbie and #1 The Hula Hoop.
The two young at heart answerers are
Elizabeth Dial
Peter Erickson
Thank you very much!

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