A new week and a new trivia question – St. Thomas Libraries Blog
Charles J. Keffer Library

A new week and a new trivia question

Last week I wondered which fictional New Hampshire governor/POTUS had a real life namesake who was a signatory of the Declaration of Independence. The answer is Josiah Bartlet from The West Wing played by Martin Sheen. The winners and campus fake-president scholars are –
Janice Kragness and Ann Kenne!
Here is the new question
With Super Tuesday looming on the horizon I am still thinking about politics and a very funny satirical movie about the dark side of the election process. It came out in 1999 and takes place in a high school in Omaha, Nebraska. Can you name the movie? If you can send your answers to arhudson@stthomas.edu
If you can’t you can try Googling or instead you can browse the journal Postmodern Culture full text in the database Project MUSE to find the answer. And while you are there you can search and browse over 380 scholarly publications covering many topics in the humanities and social sciences. Ask a UST librarian for assistance with this database or any other library resource.

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