Third Sunday of Advent – Seasonal Reflections

Third Sunday of Advent

Readings: Third Sunday of Advent | USCCB 

For this third Sunday of Advent, we are reminded of God’s ultimate intent of bringing his people back to wholeness, to a new creation- to heal the broken hearted, to give sight to the blind, to bring liberty to captives. In other words, the Lord wants to go right to where we need him most in our lives, where we are most weak and in need of what only God can provide. This is God’s plan. And yet this plan gradually unfolds; not suddenly and easily.  

John the Baptist is the figure that gets highlighted this week every year. He is that bridge figure, anticipating what is to come, preparing the way of Jesus who does the healing and liberating. Maybe the invitation for us is to open up in our own lives where we need his healing and redeeming grace most. Where we feel weak, we can feel confident that the Lord wants to make us strong. But we can also see ourselves as John the Baptist figures. The spirit of the Lord is upon us as well- just like Isaiah, just like John the Baptist. The spirit of the Lord is upon us, and we too are called to be agents of that healing and liberating love in our own corners of the world. Let’s be on the lookout for those opportunities to heal the broken hearted, to bind up wounds, to give sight to the blind and free the captives in a way that only you and I can do in our own spheres of influence. That is our mission in this new year. Let us say yes! 

Father Christopher Collins, Jesuit Priest and VP for Mission at St. Thomas 

The Campus Ministry Seasonal Reflections are offered during the liturgical seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. We bring a variety of voices from Students, Faculty and Staff. The perspectives expressed in these reflections are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Campus Ministry. 

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