Wednesday of the First Week of Advent – Seasonal Reflections

Wednesday of the First Week of Advent

Readings: Wednesday of the First Week of Advent | USCCB 

Today, Isaiah and Matthew share two themes. First, God invites his people to dwell with him on his holy mountain. Throughout the Old Testament, the prophets consistently encounter the Lord upon mountaintops. Moses receives the law on Mt. Sinai and Elijah hears the whisper of the Lord on Mt. Horeb. Today, Isaiah reminds us that it is upon the mountain that the Lord of hosts will provide for his people and will destroy death. 

Jesus is fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy in Matthew’s Gospel. The Messianic prophecies show him curing the sick, healing the blind and deaf, and allowing the mute to speak. The Lord has begun the work of saving his people, and he does so from atop the mountain. The Apostles will see this clarified during the Transfiguration and when he is crucified. Jesus’s geography is intentional. He is declaring himself even in the setting of the story. Here we meet God. 

Second, near-eastern peoples universally understood the meal and communion as one and the same. This is why the Pharisees are outraged when Jesus eats with sinners. It is scandalous for Christ to not only have a meal with us, but to choose us. To see us. To want to be close to us. God himself desires to share the meal of his body and blood with us – sinners – in total communion. Both Isaiah and Matthew open this vision of the Lord’s love for us. He comes in a way his people understand and invites them into loving, personal, and permanent relationship. It is an invitation to covenant. 

This Advent, the Lord is inviting you to journey deep into the mountains to encounter him. He has prepared a feast for you in a secluded place. He will lead you through the dark valley so that you can join him for the meal, for communion. How are you preparing for the arduous journey? Who are your travelling companions? Have you departed yet? When will you leave? 

Corey Kibbel, JD/MA Law and Catholic Studies Student 

The Campus Ministry Seasonal Reflections are offered during the liturgical seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. We bring a variety of voices from Students, Faculty and Staff. The perspectives expressed in these reflections are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Campus Ministry. 

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