With funding from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, we launched the Interfaith Fellows Program, a student-centered two-year experience designed to prepare (inter)religiously literate and responsible scholar-practitioner leaders, critically informed by how lived religious practices and beliefs shape America, who act wisely, work skillfully, and engage religious diversity to advance the common good in civic, academic, professional, nonprofit, public, and community sectors. The inaugural cohort of seven fellows worked towards earning a minor in Interfaith Leadership, met with accomplished scholars and leaders (Busshō Lahn, Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs, Chris Stedman, Dr. Barbara McGraw, and Dr. Anastasia Young), began interfaith engagement practicums with community partners (including Sadhana, Minnesota Multifaith Network, Sakan Community Resource, Aslan Institute, Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light, and the Kaleo Center), engaged in international dialogue through Soliya Global Connect, took on campus leadership roles (including the Interfaith Council, Muslim Student Association, and Student Diversity and Inclusion Services), and completed research (e.g., quantitative survey measuring the influence of religion on decision making in relationships). We look forward to welcoming the second cohort this coming fall, and collaborating with the Minnesota Multifaith Network to host a multifaith leadership conference in Spring 2023.
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