What Not to Ask – A Word on Veterans
A Word on Veterans

What Not to Ask

Sometimes when a person wants to talk to a veteran, they may not know what questions to ask. They may stutter, falter, and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Sometimes this results in insensitive questions being directed to the veteran which could cause unintended harm. These questions can include:

Did you kill anyone?
How terrible that must have been?
Oh, you were just “support” – so you weren’t in any danger, right?-
So, you don’t like Arabs or Muslims?
So, you’re hardcore conservative, right?
Couldn’t get into college, huh?

These are questions which should never be asked (especially the first). Here are a few suggestions on what to bring up with a veteran if someone wants to engage:

Express appreciation for their service.
In what branch of service did you serve?
How long were you in the military?
What was your job or specialty?

This is a way to engage and learn from their experiences, and be respectful at the same time. People are curious, which is understandable. Hopefully this will provide some starting off points for a truly meaningful conversation.

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