Murphy Institute co-director and law professor Gregory Sisk conducted a study that measured faculty scholarly impact in law schools nationwide. His study was the topic of an article by Reuters where he explained how he came to rank the nation’s top universities.
The Murphy Institute is a proud sponsor of the Summer 2022 conference “Freedom, Subsidiarity, and the Spirit of Gift” hosted at the University of Public Service – Ludovika in Budapest, Hungary. Paper submissions are now being accepted through November 15.
View the Call for Papers as a PDF.
An office space on the fourth floor of the School of Law that has long been overflow storage was renovated this summer into a library for Murphy Institute. The catalog available was curated to include texts relevant to the intersection of law, policy, and Catholic thought with a bulk of the collection coming from the generous donation of Professor Thomas Berg, a founding co-director of the institute.
The Murphy Institute library is located in MSL 441. A full catalog listing is available here.