Advent 2024 – Seasonal Reflections
Advent wreath with 4 Advent candles and Saint Mary's Chapel in the background

Advent 2024

December 1st opens a new liturgical year with the celebration of Advent. The season’s weeks leading to the birth of Christ are marked by a sense of longing in anticipation of his coming, a longing profoundly expressed on the O’ Antiphons which are proclaimed from Dec 17-23 as Christmas approaches. The liturgy invites us to reflect in rich Scripture readings that reflect the promises of God, with Advent characters like John the Baptist, Mary and Joseph and all those who awaited the Messiah. Advent is a profound time in which we are called to reflect on Scripture as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and more intentionally live the season.  

This year Campus Ministry will offer reflections for each Sunday of Advent and the main liturgical feasts during the Christmas season. We hope that you find these helpful to nurture your Advent journey. For daily meditation of the word, visit the USCCB daily readings 

May the promise of life and peace fulfilled in Christ fill your heart as you embark on this Advent season.  

Marta Pereira
Associate Director, Campus Ministry