Rome; travel; flying; jet lag; study abroad; airport; – J-term Abroad: Roman Structures, Engineering & Society
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Rome; travel; flying; jet lag; study abroad; airport;


The Stress, the Last Minute Packing, the Anticipation …




… We have it all!

Day one is finally here and the journey abroad is upon us!  At the moment we’re waiting around in MSP, just after heading through everybody’s favorite segment, security (fortunately, we did not have to endure any body checks).  By 11, we’ll actually make some progress and start flying, but it won’t be until after a five hour layover in New York (woohoo) that we actually get to leave the country.  Fun stuff, right?


The fun is only just beginning with a whopping 9 to 10 hour flight across the Atlantic Ocean into our destination.  When we arrive and properly kiss the ground since we thought we’d never step foot on it again, it will be about 11:00 local Roman time.  This wouldn’t be a bad time to arrive if not for the SEVEN HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE.  That’s right folks, jet lag is going to kick in some faces.  On top of arriving at what feels like 4 in the morning, we’ll have to begin the day with a walking tour.  Tears will be shed.

Wish us luck.


– Chris Apfeld