Final day, farewell Italia – J-term Abroad: Roman Structures, Engineering & Society
Field Trips!

Final day, farewell Italia


Today marks the last day of our stay in Italy. It started with class, this time being a little different than it usually was throughout the 20 days we were here. At the end of class yesterday, we were told to prepare 1-minute elevator speeches about our trip, including how it impacted us and what we got from it. Everybody gave their speech to the class, and then we had the rest of the day to explore Florence on our last day.

A group of us went to the piazza by Il Duomo and looked at shops around the area. At 7:30 we reconvened for dinner at a restaurant by our hotel as a class. Claudio picked a meal for this dinner, including fried bread, pasta, pork with potatoes, and Tiramisu. Everyone had a great time, and we enjoyed the live music and painting in the restaurant. Happy to be having a meal together but sad to leave, we toasted the trip and planned to reconvene at 4am tomorrow morning to get on the bus to the airport.

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